miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020


1) Correct yesterday's exercises with this answer key:
   1. Listen and say the changes of state. 1. condensation 2. melting 3. evaporation 4. solidification
   2. Match and write more sentences in your notebook.
         a. When butter melts on hot toast it is a physical change. 
         b. When a bicycle is covered in rust it is a chemical change. 

2) If you still have doubts about the differences between physical and chemical changes of matter, you can watch these two videos: video#1 and video#2. (Si todavía tienes dudas sobre las diferencias entre cambios físicos y químicos de la materia, puedes ver esos dos vídeos).

3) Review (repasa) pages 77 and 78 and then do these exercises in your notebook:

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