martes, 19 de mayo de 2020


1) Correct yesterday's exercises:
     2. What are these objects made from? Identify two properties of each material.
        A. It's made of plastic. It is flexible and light..
        B.  It's made of optical fibre. It is flexible and transparent.
        C. It's made of wood. It is strong and light.
        D. It's made of concrete. It is strong and heat resistant.
        E. It's made of glass. Transparent and fragile.
    3. True or false? Correct the false sentences in your notebook.
        a. Oxidation is the chemical change that takes place when something burns. FALSE.  → Oxidation is the chemical change that takes place when something combines with oxygen.
        b. Mass is the amount of matter in an object. TRUE.
        c. Optical fibre is very thin, flexible metal used to communicate information. FALSE.→ Optical fibre is very thin, flexible strands of glass (hilos de vidrio) used to communicate information.
       d. A solution is a homogeneous mixture like salt water, where one substance dissolves in another. TRUE.
       e. A homogeneous mixture of two different metals is called a colloid. FALSE. → A homogeneous mixture of two different metals is called an alloy.

2) Do this exercise in your notebook.
3) Play and learn:

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