lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

May 19th - ENGLISH

1) Check your answers to yesterday's story questions:

    1. Where were Nell and her friends at the beginning of the story? They were sitting at the library.
    2. What was the book Nell found about? It was about cats.
    3. What were her friends doing while she was reading? They were using their gadgets.
    4. Why did Saffron think that paper books were boring? Because they never changed, they were always the same.
    5. Did Nell have pets of her own? No, she didn't have any pet of her own.
    6. What did the first cat in the book look like? It was a golden-eyed cat with very long smoky grey fur.
    7. Nell said, "Books are better than gadgets, though nothing is better than the real thing". How would you translate that in Spanish? "Los libros son mejores que los dispositivos electrónicos, aunque nada es mejor que la realidad".
    8. Why do you think Nell was so imaginative? Because she had read a lot of books.

2) Follow this video and use it to complete page 48 of your Activity Book: 

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