domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020

May 11th - ENGLISH

1) Look at this vocabulary before watching the video, because today's story is a bit more difficult. You don't have to copy it:

    Bulky= abultado, voluminoso. To crawl: reptar. Voraciously= vorazmente. Naughty= travieso/a. To take a break= tomarse un descanso. Crimson= rojo oscuro, carmesí. Unwieldy= pesado, no ligero. Thud= el ruido de un golpe fuerte. Yawn= bostezar. To weave= tejer.

2) Watch and play this beautiful story HERE!!

3) Answer these questions in your notebook:

    a) What animal is the story about at the beginning? In Spanish?

    b) What did it transform into in the end?

    c) Did it like itself before the transformation? Why?

    d) What other animals did he want to be like? Why?

    f) Why did it have to eat so much?

    g) "Trouble" in Spanish means "problema", but what does the phrase "don't let anyone trouble you" mean?

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