martes, 2 de junio de 2020

June 3rd - ENGLISH

1) Correct yesterday's questions:

         1. The potter (a person who makes pottery) had a donkey.
         2. He was so poor that he didn't have enough money or food to feed the donkey.
         3. The donkey was so hungry that he went to a nearby (cercano) field to eat the crops.
         4. A jackal offered the donkey to lead him (guiarlo) to a field full (lleno) of cucumbers (pepinos). 
         5. One night, the donkey said, "I feel like (me apetece) singing tonight".
         6. The donkey ignored the jackal's wise advice (sabio consejo)".
         7. The jackal jumped over the fence (valla) for his safety (seguridad).
         8. When the farmers found (encontraron) the donkey they beat him up (lo golpearon) and chased him out of there (lo persiguieron hasta expulsarlo de allí).

2) Use this video to complete page 50 from your Activity Book. Write in your notebook the project about what you like doing in the summer.

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