martes, 21 de abril de 2020

April 22nd - ENGLISH

1) Correct page 42 in your Activity Book with this key answers:

    23. Look and write (Remember that when you talk about activities you must use the -ing form):
          1. Going to museums.   2. Collecting stickers.  3. Playing computer games. 4. Dancing.  5. Shopping.   6. Taking pictures or photos.  7. Rollerskating.  8. Painting pictures.  9. Talking to friends. 10. Reading books.
    24. Read and circle:
          1. What do you like doing at the weekends?
          2. I like watching films with my friends.
          3. Do you like playing tennis or football?
          4. No, I don't. I don't like sport.
          5. What about your brother? Does he like sports?
          6. He loves plaing football. It's his favourite activity.
          7. Does he like sending text messages?
          8 No, he doesn't.

2) Watch this video and write three new sentences using the table of the gerunds as the structure.
    Example: After going to the concert, we can have an orange juice.

6 comentarios:

  1. Profe el video es de tu hermana¿no?

    1. Sí, Helena! Le ha dado mucha alegría que te suscribieras a su canal.😘😘😘

  2. Dile que me gusta el dibujo del logo:3

  3. Profe el 6) de los corregidos es Taking photos no?

    1. Sí, Alejandra! Pictures no sólo significa cuadros sino tb fotos.
      Vale tanto photos como pictures.
