lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

April 21st - ENGLISH

1) Correct yesterday's questions with these possible answers:
     1.1) How did Amy feel at the beginning? She was very excited.
     1.2) What did she want? She wanted her mum to buy her some clothes for a party.
     1.3) What did her mum tell her? Her mum told her that she didn't have any money and that it was better to ask her gran (grandmother).
     1.4) Who helped Amy in the end? Her granny.
     1.5) Was her grandmother patient or anxious? She was very patient.
     1.6) What was the thing that Amy finally agreed to wear at the party? She agreed to wear a big smile.
     1.7) Do you think it is better than a new piece of clothing? Yes, because no matter how expensive your clothes are, if you don't smile you will never make a good impression.

2) Do exercises 23 and 24 on page 43 from the Activity Book. You don´t need the audio files.

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