jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Ideas for Mother's day

-You can choose whichever you want. From the first video, the drawing in minute 3:44 is very nice and easy. I hope your mothers like it.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020


1) Correct yesterday's exercise with the first video.
2) Pay attention to the second video and do exercise 1 from that page.

30 de abril - LENGUA

1) Corregid los ejercicios de ayer con el primer vídeo.

2) Id a la página 214 de vuestro libro y repasad las formas verbales de los tiempos simples del verbo saltar (primera columna). Os servirá como modelo de verbo de la 1ª conjugación, pues las terminaciones son las mismas para los demás.

3) Cuando las hayáis repasado bien podréis hacer el siguiente Quizizz.

April 30th - ENGLISH

1) Watch the video and make the drawing that the girl tells you at the end.

martes, 28 de abril de 2020

April 29th - ENGLISH

1) Correct yesterday's exercises with these two images:

2) Song challenge!! See if you can follow the lyrics of a fast-paced song. (¡¡Desafío de canción!! Mira a ver si puedes seguir la letra de una canción de ritmo rápido). Before playing it, read the translation into Spanish to understand the meaning, as it is a bit difficult. (Antes de reproducirla, lee la traducción en español para entender su significado, ya que es un poco difícil).
It is by the english band "Madness". Its members were a little bit crazy but they were also magnificent musicians. Hope you enjoy it! 

March of the Gherkins
It's been some time / Hacía tiempo
Since the smile upon my face / que una sonrisa mía
Had a sneak preview in town / no se dejaba ver por el pueblo.
It's been a while since I gave chase / Hacía tiempo que no jugaba al pilla-pilla.
It's been some time / Hacía tiempo
Since the girl from round my way / que la chica de mi barrio
Came and took me by the hand / no me cogía de la mano.
And a long time since I came around / Y hacía mucho tiempo que no volvía por allí.
I can remember / Puedo recordar
When I stood on my head / cuando hacía el pino
And walking straight across the ground / y podía cruzar la calle por donde quisiese.
Still picture the laughing faces / Todavía puedo ver esas caras sonrientes.
Catch me, I'm falling into my past / Atrápame, estoy cayendo a mi pasado.
Catch me, the deeper the louder the laugh / Atrápame, cuanto más caigo más fuertes se oyen las risas.
I was told to grow up soon / Me dijeron que creciera rápido,
Face my consequences / que afrontara las consecuencias.
Being told it was high time / Me dijeron que ya era tiempo
High time to come to my senses / de que espabilara.
Climbing up to the top floor / Subir a la planta de arriba
Stood the look of pleasure / sin abandonar mi cara de satisfacción.
Such a silly aged man / Un hombre tan mayor con tantas tonterías
With an attic full of treasure / y un ático lleno de tesoros.
Catch me, I'm falling into my past  / Atrápame, estoy cayendo a mi pasado.
Deeper, the deeper the louder the laugh / Atrápame, cuanto más caigo más fuertes se oyen las risas.
Remember when I was ten / Me acuerdo de cuando tenía diez años.
Things were somewhat better then / Las cosas entonces eran de alguna forma mejores.
Time went by so easily / El tiempo pasaba como si nada.
Is this the way life's supposed to be / ¿Es así como debería ser la vida?
But looking back I wonder why / Pero mirando atrás me pregunto por qué
It seems to pass so quickly by / parece pasar tan rápidamente.
Memories can make you cry / Los recuerdos pueden hacerte llorar.
I close my eyes, my tears, I try to hide / Cierro los ojos y brotan unas lágrimas que intento ocultar.
I was thinking about / Estaba pensando en
Tammoland / Tammoland*,
Of all the funny places / y en todos esos lugares divertidos
I was thinking a short time ago / que estaba recordando hace poco.
Catch me, I'm falling into my past  / Atrápame, estoy cayendo a mi pasado.
Catch me, the deeper the louder the laugh / Atrápame, cuanto más caigo más fuertes se oyen las risas.
Catch me, I'm falling into my past  / Atrápame, estoy cayendo a mi pasado.
Deeper, the deeper the louder the laugh / Atrápame, cuanto más caigo más fuertes se oyen las risas.

*Tammoland: Zona industrial abandonada de Londres que los niños/as utilizaban para jugar en los años sesenta. 

29 de abril - LENGUA

1) Corrige los ejercicios de ayer con este vídeo.

2) Haz en tu libreta los ejercicios 5 y 6 de la página siguiente.

3) ¿Te gustaría jugar a este Quizizz?


1) Watch this explanation for the second main property of matter: volume.
2) Do the following exercise in your notebook.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2020


1) Correct yesterday's exercises with the first video.
2) Watch the second video to learn more about matter and its main properties. As it is a long one there is no writing today.

28 de abril - LENGUA

1) Mira estos vídeos y haz los ejercicios 1 y 2 de la pg. 154 en la libreta.
2) Juega a este Quizizz de palabras homónimas: Quizizz palabras homónimas nº1

April 28th - ENGLISH

1) Do page 44 from your Activity Book. You will need the following videos:
(Exercise 28 tells you to do what is at the end of the Activity Book (the part of the stickers I think)).

domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

April 27th - ENGLISH

1) Correct Thursday's questions with this audio: https://voca.ro/e5ZZ3Qy4IZQ
2) Watch this funny short story:

3) Enter NAVIO to practice the contents of unit 5 (songs, videos, interactive activities, etc).
    Only in case you forgot your username and password you can use these:
Usename: REVELLO4
    Password: REVELLO
    If you have difficulties with NAVIO, you can also try these websites: Resources:          https://tiger.macmillan.es/products.html
Ebook: https://www.macmillaneducationeverywhere.com/es/

27 de abril - LENGUA

1) Corrige los ejercicios 1, 2 y 3 de la página 152 con este audio: https://voca.ro/jK6lgGhIfs3
2) Lee la regla de oro de las palabras homónimas de la página 153 y haz los ejercicios 1 y 2 en tu libreta.
3) Si quieres saber más de las palabras homónimas fíjate en este vídeo tan chulo:


1) Watch this interesting video about "matter". Remember this concept from the 3rd course?

2) Answer the following questions in your notebook:

  • The kitten (gatito) says, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter" (No te preocupes, no importa). But, what is the other meaning (significado) for "matter" that we must study?
  • Copy the definition for matter in the minute 1:34.
  • What are the three states of matter?
  • Dr. Binocs says that solids don't flow. What does it mean in Spanish?
  • With your parents' permission, do the glass experiment to check how the air occupies volume. Watch this video to see some more experiments relating to that.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

24 de abril - LENGUA

1) Soluciones del ejercicio 4 de la pg. 149:
  • ¿Qué horario tiene el centro? De 10 de la mañana a 10 de la noche. (De 10:00 a 22:00).
  • ¿Qué se dice de la cafetería? Que dispone de una deliciosa oferta para la merienda.
  • ¿Qué promoción hay esa semana? Descuento del 50% en moda de señora, caballero y niños/as.
  • ¿Qué pasará a las seis? Que el cantante Roberto Alcalde firmará sus discos para los asistentes.     
2) Lee el cuento de la pg. 150 y 151 "La reina sabia" mirando el significado de las palabras nuevas.
3) Haz en la libreta los ejercicios 1, 2 y 3. En el 2 no tienes que hacer los dibujos, sólo poner el orden de las letras.

April 24th - ARTS AND CRAFTS

-Do the "Pizza shop challenge" and upload the photo into the Google Classroom's homework (trabajo de clase) that I will enable tomorrow with the title "Pizza shop challenge".

April 24th - ENGLISH

1) Correct yesterday's exercises:
      a) What are the sport activities that Bea likes doing? She likes swimming and playing hockey
      b) How old is she? She is eleven years old.
      c) What are her favourite school subjects? Her favourite school subjects are PE (Physical Education) and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).
      d) What language is Ricky learning? He is learning Spanish.
      e) What does he love doing? He loves reading comics and drawing pictures.
      f) What type of stickers does he love collecting? He loves collecting Spiderman stickers.

2) This is a beautiful story that my sister reminded me the other day. We learnt it as children in a book. It has subtitles both in Spanish and in English. I would like you to watch it twice in that order.
As it is a bit long, you don't have to write anything today. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did more than thirty years ago.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

23 de abril - LENGUA

1) Grabador de voz para los que quieran grabar el ejercicio 1 y colgarlo en el Classroom: https://vocaroo.com/ Sólo tenéis que pulsar el botón rojo y compartir el enlace que os sale al darle a "save&share". Aquí una prueba: https://voca.ro/4QEAcdSLBbT

2) En el cuaderno haced el ejercicio 4 después de escuchar el audio que os ponemos en el vídeo.


1) Pincháis en www.aulavirtual.santillana.es/ , en licencia ponéis: 29005047-0030-0001

2) Corregid los ejercicios de ayer con este otro vídeo:

3) Jugad con todos estos Quizizz:

Sectors of the economy

Primary and secondary sector

Economic sectors

Primary sector

Tertiary sector


Listen and say

April 23rd - ENGLISH

-Watch the video and answer the following questions in your notebook:
a) What are the sport activities that Bea likes doing?
b) How old is she?
c) What are her favourite school subjects?
d) What language is Ricky learning?
e) What does he love doing?
f) What type of stickers does he love collecting?

martes, 21 de abril de 2020

22 de abril - LENGUA

1) Mira estos dos vídeos para iniciar el Tema 9.
2) Realiza en tu cuaderno el ejercicio 1 de la página 149. Responde con cierta extensión a las preguntas.


1) Use the video to correct yesterday's exercises.
2) Do the following ones in your notebook. In exercise nº5 you don't have to draw the maps, just write "autonomous community", "province" and "municipality" in the same order the maps appear.

April 22nd - ENGLISH

1) Correct page 42 in your Activity Book with this key answers:

    23. Look and write (Remember that when you talk about activities you must use the -ing form):
          1. Going to museums.   2. Collecting stickers.  3. Playing computer games. 4. Dancing.  5. Shopping.   6. Taking pictures or photos.  7. Rollerskating.  8. Painting pictures.  9. Talking to friends. 10. Reading books.
    24. Read and circle:
          1. What do you like doing at the weekends?
          2. I like watching films with my friends.
          3. Do you like playing tennis or football?
          4. No, I don't. I don't like sport.
          5. What about your brother? Does he like sports?
          6. He loves plaing football. It's his favourite activity.
          7. Does he like sending text messages?
          8 No, he doesn't.

2) Watch this video and write three new sentences using the table of the gerunds as the structure.
    Example: After going to the concert, we can have an orange juice.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

21 de abril - LENGUA

-Pincha el siguiente enlace, lee el siguiente texto y realiza en la libreta sólo los ejercicios 1 y 2.

April 21st - ENGLISH

1) Correct yesterday's questions with these possible answers:
     1.1) How did Amy feel at the beginning? She was very excited.
     1.2) What did she want? She wanted her mum to buy her some clothes for a party.
     1.3) What did her mum tell her? Her mum told her that she didn't have any money and that it was better to ask her gran (grandmother).
     1.4) Who helped Amy in the end? Her granny.
     1.5) Was her grandmother patient or anxious? She was very patient.
     1.6) What was the thing that Amy finally agreed to wear at the party? She agreed to wear a big smile.
     1.7) Do you think it is better than a new piece of clothing? Yes, because no matter how expensive your clothes are, if you don't smile you will never make a good impression.

2) Do exercises 23 and 24 on page 43 from the Activity Book. You don´t need the audio files.


1) Correct exercise 7 on pg. 63 with this video.
2) Do the following exercises in your notebook.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

April 20th - ENGLISH

-Watch the video and answer the following questions:

1) How did Amy feel at the beginning?
2) What did she want?
3) What did her mum tell her?
4) Who helped Amy in the end?
5) Was her grandmother patient or anxious?
6) What was the thing that Amy finally agreed to wear at the party?
7) Do you think it is better than a new piece of clothing?


1) Watch the video and correct exercise 6 on pg. 63.

2) Do the diagram on exercise 7.

20 de abril - LENGUA

1) En el ejercicio 4 del último día (16 de abril) había dos frases hechas que teníamos que corregir:
-Mi compañero se ahoga en un vaso de agua = Mi compañero se preocupa demasiado por cosas de poca importancia.
-Mis padres dicen que nunca hay que tirar la toalla = Mis padres dicen que nunca hay que rendirse.
2) Haz en la libreta los ejercicios 1 y 3 siguientes:

viernes, 17 de abril de 2020

WEEKEND - The Tulips Challenge!!

I challenge you to do this drawing. As always, it doesn't have to be perfect (Remember, Alejandra Varea?). Pau, do you dare to do it?? This time it's not so easy.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

17 de abril - LENGUA

Como la tarea de Inglés de hoy es un poquito más larga no os pongo deberes de Lengua para hoy, ¿vale? Pero me gustaría que, si os sobra tiempo, leyeseis algún capítulo de un libro que tengáis por casa, a la vez que reflexionáis sobre los verbos que os vais encontrando.


1) Correct the the exercises on pg. 62.

2) Do exercise 6 on page 63.

April 17th - ENGLISH

1) Check your answers on exercise 20, page 43 in your Pupil's Book.

2) Do exercises 19 and 20 on page 42 in your Activity Book.

3) Write your own project in your notebook titled "What I like doing at the weekends". You don't have to write the notes. In Google Classroom I will enable (habilitaré) a task (trabajo de clase) called  "What I like doing at the weekends". Click on the task and send me a photograph of your project.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

martes, 14 de abril de 2020

April 15th - ENGLISH

1) Watch this video and copy in your notebook the three questions and answers at the end.

2) One more question: -What do you prefer doing, watching football or going to museums?

    - I prefer __________________________.


1) Review (repasa) pages 59, 60 and 61. You can use the videos that I recorded for you here:
2) When you have done that, you will be able to do the Quizizzs that I will send you via Google Classroom in the afternoon around 13:30h.

15 de abril - LENGUA

-Realiza estos tres ejercicios en tu libreta. Sólo tienes que copiar el primer verbo del enunciado.
No tienes que hacer los dibujos del nº2 ni copiar los significados que no corresponden del nº3.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

April 14th - ENGLISH

1) Watch this magnificent video on the means of transport or modes of transportation.
2) Choose three modes, write and translate what they say of themselves in your notebook. Example: Hot Air Balloon: I am a colorful hot air balloon. I float in the air. You can sit inside me and enjoy beautiful landscapes. Globo aerostático. Soy un globo aerostático de colores. Floto en el aire. Puedes sentarte dentro de mí y disfrutar de bonitos paisajes.


1) Visit the following websites and watch their videos both in English and in Spanish.
2) In your notebook answer these questions:
     - The primary sector gets raw materials from nature and the secondary sector transforms raw materials into elaborated products. What does the tertiary sector do?
     - Write five jobs that belong to the tertiary sector.

14 de Abril - LENGUA

Realiza en tu libreta los siguientes ejercicios. No tienes que copiar el enunciado completo, tan sólo el primer verbo. Ejemplo: 1) Escribe. 2) Completa. 3) Completa.

viernes, 3 de abril de 2020


-Dare to do the mermicorn challenge!! ¡¡Atrévete a hacer el desafío del unicornio-sirena!!🦄🐬

jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

3 de abril - LENGUA

-Copia el dictado "El mercadillo medieval" de la página 135 con mucho cuidado de no saltarte ninguna coma ni punto y coma, ¡ni tildes! ¡A que es poco!

April 3rd - ENGLISH

-Watch these two videos and do exercise 19 from page 43 in Pupil's Book.


1) Watch these two videos paying close attention.
2) Write in your notebook at least two jobs for each of the seven areas in the tertiary sector. Remember, the seven areas of the tertiary sector are: healthcare, education, security, commerce, transport, comunication and tourism.