viernes, 31 de enero de 2020

Decálogo del buen deportista

 El Centro Fundación Rafa Nadal, en Palma de Mallorca, han elaborado un decálogo con principios fundamentales del buen deportista:

  1. Juega limpio. Te dignifica a ti y a tu equipo.
  2. En ningún deporte hay enemigos, solo rivales.
  3. El deporte no es violencia ni agresividad. Es habilidad.
  4. Practica deporte para ser feliz. Disfruta jugando.
  5. Tú eres una persona y como tal puedes equivocarte. El árbitro es un ser humano.
  6. Sé comprensivo. Desde fuera todo parece más fácil.
  7. Los insultos nunca aumentan el marcador. Degradan al que los pronuncia y perjudican a tus compañeros y compañeras.
  8. Trata al contrario como te gustaría que te tratasen a ti.
  9. No preguntes qué pueden hacer tus compañeros y compañeras por ti. Pregúntate qué puedes hacer tú por ellos y ellas.
  10. Siempre habrá alguien que te gane. Hay que saber ganar y perder.

jueves, 23 de enero de 2020

Asking for and Giving Directions

Complete the sentences and write the buildings they were asking for:

- Turn right at the .......... and go ............. ahead. It's on your............, next to the .............. (The building is the ..............).

- Well, the ........................ is ................. the museum. 

- It's at the .......... of the hall to the ........... . (The room is the ..................).

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

Help people in need while learning English

For each answer you get right this web's sponsors will donate the equivalent of 10 grains of rice to the United Nations' World Food Programme.

lunes, 20 de enero de 2020

viernes, 17 de enero de 2020

Invertebrate animals for kids: arthropods, worms, cnidarians, mollusks, ...

Watch this fantastic video and you'll get familiar with the invertebrates. See how each group of them is divided as well into

several other subgroups.

jueves, 16 de enero de 2020

Modes of Transport for Children | Kids Learning | Kids Hut

Just to watch and enjoy, noticing the verb "to ride" and the propositions "in" and "on".

Means of transport song

As you have seen for this nice video, the verb 'to ride' is very important when we talk about means of transport, but the propositions to use is sometimes "in" and others "on" depending on the vehicle. Write two sentences with "ride in" and two with "ride on".

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020

The Arthropods | Educational Video for Kids.

Invertebrate Animals | Educational Video for Kids

-In this video the group cnidarians of the book is given the name of jellyfish, but there are more cnidarians other than jellyfish. Using the Internet search for one cnidarian that is not a jellyfish.

Make a drawing of it.  

martes, 14 de enero de 2020

Natural Science - Vertebrates

Finish the task of copying these definitions in your notebook that we started in class. Read them carefully three times.

1. Amphibians are cold-blooded vertebrate animals (as frogs and toads) that have gills and live in water as larvae but breathe air as adults.
2. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals (as a snake, lizard, turtle, or alligator) that breathes air and usually has the skin covered with scales.
3. Fish are cold-blooded animals that live in water and have fins for swimming and gills for breathing. Most fish have scales on their skin. There are many kinds of fish, including salmon, goldfish, tuna, and sharks.
4. Birds are warm-blooded, egg-laying animals but they are different from mammals because they lay hard-shelled eggs and have feathers. A bird has four limbs—two that are wings—along with a beak and no teeth.
5. Mammals are warm-blooded animals that breathe air and grows hair or fur. In addition, all female have mammary glands that can produce milk. Mammals include a wide variety of animals, from cats to humans to whales. There are more than 5,000 species, or kinds, of living mammal.

Exploring the 'Island of Lemurs: Madagascar'

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2020

What kingdom does it belong to?

Google these living beings in order to classify them into the five kingdoms that you already know:
Grass, dulse, Lactobacillus acidophilus, octopus, bamboo, mold, beech, yeast, mushroom, bacillus cereus, ferret, chlorella, sea lettuce, E. Coli, dove.