martes, 17 de diciembre de 2019

Climate zones of the world for kids and Affecting Factors

Write the difference between climate and weather. Then complete this sentence, "In the polar zones it's very cold because the rays of sun are very ___________". How would you translate that in Spanish?

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2019

Eye vs. camera - Michael Mauser

Cameras were made after the eyes, copying their design and parts so they could work in the same manner. What parts of the eye, that you know, look like the ones of the camera but with other names?

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2019

The Human Body for children - Muscles for Kids

List the muscles that you saw in the video. You don't have to draw them, but say if they belong to the upper limbs, lower limbs, trunk or head.

Sing for the Climate

-Translate the lyrics of this song into Spanish. The lines that appear more than once don't have to be repeated in your translation.