viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019
Non-renewable energy
-What are the main three non-renewable energy sources?
-Find out in the Internet which one is the biggest responsible for the atmosphere's pollution: factories or transportation.
jueves, 30 de mayo de 2019
Tema 11 Lengua - Palabras con bl, br, mb, mp
-Termina los ejercicios 2,3 y 4 de las páginas 208 y 209 que empezamos en clase, visiona este vídeo y haz la actividad "Salva al profe Javi" que sale al final.
Renewable energy
-Write all the renewable energy sources that are depicted in this video.
-Why do they call them "renewable"?
miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019
Energy transformations
Study these energy transformations
1. A toaster changes electrical energy into heat energy.
2. A car transforms the chemical energy of petrol into kinetic energy.
3. A light bulb changes electrical energy into light energy.
4. A solar panel transforms light energy into electrical energy.
5. A wind mill changes kinetic energy into electrical energy.
6. A clap transforms kinetic energy into sound energy.
7. The sun changes chemical energy into light and heat energy.
8. A fire transforms chemical energy into light and heat energy.
9. Our muscles change chemical energy into kinetic energy.
10. A magnet transforms magnetic energy into kinetic energy.
11. A plant changes light energy into chemical energy.
12. A fan transforms electrical energy into kinetic energy.
martes, 28 de mayo de 2019
Energy | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids
-Write the definition of energy that Mr. Binocs gives.
-What different types of energy are there according to the video?
Qué son las palabras compuestas
Mira el vídeo y copia en la libreta la pizarra que ha escrito la profesora.
jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019
1. All the children have the right 1. All children must respect the school rules.
to go to school.
2. Every adult has the right to work. 2. Every worker must follow his/her job rules.
3. Not being insulted. 3. Not insulting people.
4. All children can go to excursions. 4. All children must respect the places of the excursion.
viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019
martes, 14 de mayo de 2019
Economy sectors
Click on this link where you will find a video about the sectors of the economy. It is also available in Spanish pushing the button below if you like.
Write in your notebook at least two activities for each sector.
lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019
Social Science Savia Digital
jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019
Family Education Series - Being A Good Citizen
Task: Activate subtitles and write five ways to be a good citizen. You can use the other video to take more ideas.
Lengua Castellana. 3º Primaria. Tema 10. Verbos regulares e irregulares
Tarea: Di si los siguientes verbos son regulares o irregulares clasificándolos en una tabla: Cantar, reír, comer, saltar, ser, volar, clasificar, ir, volcar, estornudar, torcer, respetar y dibujar.
martes, 7 de mayo de 2019
Selección saludable de alimentos presentado por Puros Cuentos Saludables
Tarea de Lengua: Escribe la receta de un batido de frutas que te sean apetitosas.
Being Responsible | Little Mandy Manners | TinyGrads | Children's Videos...
Task: Name some duties or responsabilities that make you a responsible kid.
We've All Got Rights
Task: Listen to this beautiful song and write at least five of your rights that are mentioned.
jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019
Properties of materials
1. Is your table elastic? Why?
2. Are your bones transparent? Why?
3. Is the door impermeable? Why?
4. Are metal bars resistant? Why?