lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

Changing water- States of matter

Task: Activate subtitles and watch twice. Water is the only thing that naturally occurs in all three states (solid, liquid and gas). Write the names of the changes of state that you can also find in your book using arrows from one state to another.

Cambios físicos y químicos para niños/as

-Task: Write two examples of each one (physical and chemical changes) that you have seen in this video.

martes, 9 de abril de 2019

Density - Why does oil float on water? | #aumsum

Of all the materials you have seen in this video, which ones have higher density than water and which ones have lower density than water?

Mass and volume

Task: What is the mass of an object? What do we use to measure (medir) it?

What is the volume of an object? What is the object in your room that has the greater volume? Does it have the greater mass?

Lengua Castellana. 3º Primaria. Tema 9. Palabras derivadas, los prefijos

Tarea: Escribe las palabras construidas con los prefijos y después haz tres oraciones eligiendo algunas de ellas.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

Europe Geography/ Europe Continent

As you know, Europe and the European Union are not the same thing. Pay special attention to the following countries and copy their capital cities: Poland, Ireland, France, United Kingdom, Norway, Italy, Russia, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Sweden and Spain.